
AUM growth and expansion has become a hot topic for many Chinese fund houses in recent years. However, sustained success has been sporadic and few had been able to articulate the key success factors. There is certainly no simple "fix-all" formula.

On August 21st, CFA Society Shanghai are honored to have David Lau, Honorary Chairman of COPFA(中资海外私募基金协会) and the founder of Cross Harbour Advisory, give a speech on 'Going Overseas: To Go or Not to Go?'.

David Lau observed and witnessed that there are certain common and repeated areas that investors/fund allocators demand GP's to attain to a high standard in order to qualify to be on the shortlist.

These areas are often expressed in investment due diligence and operational due diligence (ODD). The ODD questionnaire covers the full range of the non-investment part of the GP organisation. This is also often the pain point for Chinese GP's as they struggle to understand and improve in the substance behind ODD. UNLESS and until this is done to a high standard, LP's/Fund allocators tend to be unable to onboard such GP's.

LP's/Fund allocators also expect the Chinese GP's to have other "internationalization establishment" BEFORE they can be considered to be meeting the minimum standard. This talk will also touch on these areas of internationalization: overseas legal entities, offshore fund structure, regulatory licence (eg Hong Kong, Singapore, USA, etc), professional staff (globally recognised qualifications), prime brokers/brokers, fund administrator, IT & cybersecurity, compliance & legal, investors relation & client servicing, Operations/Fund accounting, COO function, Fund Board, etc.



  • David Lau 刘建德 (Honorary Chairman of COPFA, Founder of Cross Harbour Advisory)

    David Lau 刘建德

    Honorary Chairman of COPFA, Founder of Cross Harbour Advisory

    David Lau has over 35 years of professional experience out of which over 25 years have been in the finance industry including hedge fund, financial services, investment banking, commercial banking, IPO advisory, compliance and management consulting.
    He is the Honorary Chairman of COPFA (中资海外私募基金协会, formed in 2024) with the aim of promoting high standards among Chinese alternative funds managers/GP’s (hedge, PE & VC) as they seek to be attractive to the international fund allocators/LP’s. He has also been serving in the Regulatory Committee and the Executive Committee (ExCo) of the hedge fund trade body, AIMA Hong Kong (Alternative Investment Management Association) and SBAI global regulatory committee.
    He is the founder of an advisory firm, Cross Harbour Advisory, with a view of helping alternative investment firms to transform themselves.
    Whilst at Springs Capital(淡水泉投资), he has been the Chief Compliance Officer since 2012 and was also involved in communicating with large institutional clients in relation to non-investment due diligence (ODD). Before Springs Capital, he was the financial services consulting partner for a number of top tier global consulting firms.
    Prior to his return to Asia, he worked at Credit Suisse Financial Products (CSFP), CSFB and Credit Suisse Group in the UK, US and Switzerland. He was also involved in a start-up Swiss VC fund that specialized in high technology investments in the Silicon Valley and Western Europe. He also served in Basel working committee in ISDA and was closely involved in directly lobbying G-10 supervisors in relation to the drafting of Basel II.




【时间】:19:00 – 20:30(18:30—19:00为签到交流时间,现场将提供简餐)

【PL Credits】:1.5(线上观看需自行登记)




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