
Standard models of financial markets assume people behave rationally. Behavioral Finance builds on this foundation by incorporating insights from cognitive psychology (e.g. overconfidence) to explain puzzling observations in asset prices that cannot be accounted for by reason alone.

We cordially invite you to attend our upcoming finance seminar in Shanghai on June 26th.

Jointly hosted by CFA Society Shanghai, HKUST-NYU Stern MSGF program and CAIA, this seminar features will illustrate the intriguing behaviors of irrational investors and their implications for investment decision-making.

In this seminar, Prof. Utpal Bhattacharya, a distinguished scholar and highly respected expert in the field of Behavioral Finance, will share several examples from his research, including studies on haunted houses in Hong Kong and left-digit fixated traders in the United States.


  • Utpal Bhattacharya (Chair Professor of Finance at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

    Utpal Bhattacharya

    Chair Professor of Finance at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Professor Bhattacharya received his Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1980; an M.B.A. from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, in 1982; and his Ph.D. in Finance from Columbia University in 1990. He joined HKUST in 2014.

    Professor Bhattacharya was the Executive Editor of Financial
    Management, 2016-2022, where he succeeded in tripling its citation impact factor. He was an Associate Editor of the Review of Financial Studies and the Journal of Financial Markets. His publications have appeared in all the top-tier finance journals (Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, The Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis and the Journal of Business), top-tier accounting journals like The
    Accounting Review, and top-tier economics journals.

    Professor Bhattacharya's research is about the dark side of financial markets. He believes, with apologies to Thomas Jefferson, that "the price of capitalism is eternal vigilance." He has been invited to present his research in 236 institutions in 35 countries in 5 continents, and his papers have been featured more than a hundred times in various media across the world, including six times in the Economist. He teaches in a different country every summer. He has taught at top universities in Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, France, Germany, Holland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, UK, USA (Chicago, Duke and MIT) and Vietnam. His goal is to spread the gospel of honest finance to every corner of the globe.

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Event Details

【Date】: 26 June (Wednesday)

【Time】: 19:00 – 20:00 (18:30-19:00 Registration & Networking)

【Language】: English

【PL Credits】: 1

【Location】: AmCham Shanghai, 27/F, Infinitus Tower, Hubin Road 168, Xintiandi;上海市黄浦区湖滨路168号无限极大厦27楼AmCham Shanghai


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上海市黄浦区湖滨路168号无限极大厦27楼AmCham Shanghai

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