
CFA Society Shanghai cordially invites you to join the professional learning seminar on July 26th. We are honored to have Thomas S. Coleman, Senior Lecturer at University of Chicago Harris School, give a speech on 'Beyond Volatility and VaR: Moving from Risk Measurement to Risk Management'.

Mr. Coleman worked in the finance industry for more than twenty years with considerable experience in trading, risk management, and quantitative modeling. He is the author of Puzzles of Inflation, Money, and Debt and A Practical Guide to Risk Management published by the Research Foundation of the CFA Institute.

The guest speaker will share his insights on measuring and managing risk. Key topics of the seminar include:

  • Fundamental tension between measurement and management: Measurement requires "hard" (quant) skills, Management requires "soft" skills
  • Must combine numbers with intelligent and common-sense decision-making
  • Successful firms find a way to marry the two


  • Thomas S. Coleman (Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Harris School)

    Thomas S. Coleman

    Senior Lecturer, University of Chicago Harris School

    Thomas S. Coleman is Senior Lecturer and Executive Director of the Center for Economic Policy at the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy. Prior to returning to academia in 2012, Mr. Coleman worked in the finance industry for more than twenty years with considerable experience in trading, risk management, and quantitative modeling. Author of Puzzles of Inflation, Money, and Debt (Research Foundation of the CFA Institute), Quantitative Risk Management (Wiley) and A Practical Guide to Risk Management (Research Foundation of the CFA Institute), Mr. Coleman earned his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago and his BA in physics from Harvard College.




【时间】:19:00 – 20:30(18:30—19:00为签到交流时间,现场将提供简餐)



【Pl Credits】:1.5




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+86 51167150
