

11月3日,CFA上海协会将与CFA China联合举办专业学习讲座,我们非常荣幸地邀请到Z-score模型创始人,纽约大学斯特恩商学院金融荣誉教授,纽约大学所罗门中心信贷和固定收益研究项目主任爱德华·阿尔特曼博士,带来主题为"Where Are We in the Credit Cycle? & Global Zombies: An Alternative Type of Resiliency"的专业分享,欢迎报名参加,与嘉宾及其他CFA持证人面对面交流学习!


*此活动将参与CFA Institute"全球通行证"项目(Global Passport Program),其他CFA Society会员可享受同等参会资格。


  • Dr. Edward I. Altman (Professor of NYU Stern School of Business, Wiserfunding Ltd. Co-Founder)

    Dr. Edward I. Altman

    Professor of NYU Stern School of Business, Wiserfunding Ltd. Co-Founder

    Edward Altman is the Max L. Heine Professor of Finance Emeritus at New York University, Stern School of Business and Director of the Credit and Fixed Income Research Program at the NYU Salomon Center. Dr. Altman has an international reputation as an expert on corporate bankruptcy, high yield bonds, distressed debt and credit risk analysis. He is the creator of the world-famous Altman Z-Score models for bankruptcy prediction of firms globally. Professor Altman was inducted into the Fixed Income Analysts Society Hall of Fame in 2001 and was amongst the inaugural inductees into the Turnaround Management Association’s Hall of Fame in 2008. Dr. Altman was named one of the “100 Most Influential People in Finance” by Treasury & Risk Management magazine and is frequently quoted in the popular press and on network TV. Dr. Altman has been an advisor to many financial institutions including Merrill Lynch, Salomon Brothers, Citigroup, Concordia Advisors, Investcorp, Paulson & Co., S&P Global Market Intelligence and the Risk Metrics Group, (MSCI, Inc.). He serves on the Board of Franklin Mutual Series and Alternative Investments Funds. He is also Chairman of the Academic Advisory Council of the Turnaround Management Association. His book, "Corporate Financial Distress, Restructuring, and Bankruptcy" has been regarded an international authoritative guide on distressed firms. In 2020, he was invited to join the COVID-19 and Bankruptcy Working Group, providing policy response recommendations to the US Senate and Congress. Dr. Altman also testified before the US House of Representatives’ Finance Committee on December 5, 2008, recommending that GM and Chrysler not be bailed out but to file for Bankruptcy Reorganization under Chapter 11 and that GM receive a super priority loan from the government. Eventually, on June 1, 2009, GM did file for bankruptcy protection and restructured so as to become a resilient going concern and not be sold or liquidated. Finally, Dr. Altman co-founded the credit analytic fintech, Wiserfunding, Ltd., based in London and Mumbai, and he continues as that firm’s Senior Advisor.

    爱德华·阿尔特曼博士是纽约大学斯特恩商学院金融荣誉教授,纽约大学所罗门中心信贷和固定收益研究项目主任。奥特曼博士作为企业破产、高收益债券、不良债务和信用风险分析专家,享有国际声誉。他是世界著名的Altman Z-Score模型的创建者,用于全球企业破产预测。奥特曼教授于2001年入选固定收益分析师协会名人堂,并于2008年首次入选周转管理协会的名人堂。阿尔特曼教授被《财政与风险管理》杂志评为"100 位最具影响力金融人士"之一,其理念和观点经常被大众媒体和电视报道所引用。奥尔特曼教授曾任美林、所罗门兄弟、花旗集团、康科迪亚顾问团、投资公司、鲍尔森公司、标普全球市场才智和明晟等多家金融机构的顾问。他在富兰克林互助金系列和另类投资基金董事会任职。他同时担任重建管理组织的学术顾问委员会的主席。他的著作《企业财务困境、重组和破产》被认为是国际权威的困境企业指南。2020年,他受邀加入 美国 COVID-19破产工作组,向美国参议院和众议院提供政策应对建议。该工作组的建议之一促成了《2020年破产管理改进法案》(BAIA)的颁布,该法案由特朗普总统签署立法。




【时间】:18:00 – 20:00(17:30—18:00为签到交流时间)

【形式】:线下参与 & 线上直播



【PL Credits】:1.5



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